
Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013


a.  Straight
b.  Cross

2.    [WU3] jelaskan Apa yang dimaksud dengan?
a. LAN
b. WAN
c. MAN
d. Intranet
e. Internet

3.    [WU4] Sebutkan nama-nama browser yang kamu ketahui minimal 5 buah?

4.    [WU5] Apa istilah kriminal di dunia maya?

5.    UU n[WU6] o berapa dan tahun berapa tentang INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI

6.    [WU7] Uraikan cara membuat email di www.yahoo.com?

7.    [WU8] Uraikan cara membuat group di www.yahoo.com?

8.    [WU9] Uraikan cara mendaftar menjadi anggota mailing list
contoh mendaftar ke group  smayuppentek11314?
9.[WU10]    Sebutkan situs penyedia layanan gratis pembuatan blog minimal 4 buah?
10. Uraikan cara membuat blog [WU11] pada blogger?

soal di copy ke Microsoft Word terlebih dahulu kemudian di Jawab, setelah itu soal dan  jawaban di copy ke semua blog yang telah dibuat.
APABILA SUDAH PERNAH MENGIRIM alamat blog tidak perlu mengirim lagi.

Jawaban :
1.     Urutan kabel UTP Straight :
·        Putih orange
·        Orange
·        Putih hijau
·        Biru
·        Putih biru
·        Hijau
·        Putih coklat
·        Coklat
Urutan kabel UTP Cross :
Ujung kabel 1 :
·        Putih orange
·        Orange
·        Putih hijau
·        Biru
·        Putih biru
·        Hijau
·        Putih coklat
·        Coklat
Ujung kabel 2 :
·        Putih hijau
·        Hijau
·        Putih orange
·        Biru
·        Putih biru
·        Orange
·        Putih coklat
·        Coklat

2.     LAN : Jaringan komputer yang jaringannya hanya mencakup wialayah kecil, seperti jaringan komputer kampus, gedung, kantor, dalam rumah, sekolah atau yang lebih kecil.

WAN : Jaringan komputer yang mencakup area yang besar sebagai contoh yaitu jaringan komputer antar wilayah, kota atau bahkan negara, atau dapat didefinisikan juga sebagai jaringan komputer yang membutuhkan router dan saluran komunikasi publik.

MAN : Jaringan wilayah metropolitan atau Metropolitan Area Network adalah suatu jaringan dalam suatu kota dengan transfer data berkecaptan tinggi, yang menghubungkan berbagai lokasi seperti kampus, perkantoran, pemerintahan, dan sebagainya.

Intranet : Sebuah jaringan privat (private network) yang menggunakan protokol – protokol Internet (TCP/IP), untuk membagi informasi rahasia perusahaan atau operasi dalam perusahaan tersebut kepada karyawannya.

Internet : Seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung menggunakan standar sistem global Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol uite (TCP/IP) sebagai protokol pertukaran paket ( packet switching communication protocol ) untuk melayani miliaran pengguna di seluruh dunia.

3.     Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Flock, Opera
4.     Cybercrime
5.     UU ITE No. 11 Tahun 2008
6.     1. Buka situs yahoo.com
2. klik create account (buat account)
3. Isi data data tersebut dengan benar
4. klik  buat account
5. buat pertanyaan rahasia/Security question (berguna jika anda lupa password anda)
6. klik create account
7. Selesai

7.     Cara membuat group di yahoo :
a.     Sign in terlebih dahulu ke yahoo.com
b.     Klik Start your group
c.      Step 1 of your 3. (Select a yahoo groups category) pilih category group yang anda mau.
d.     Step 2 of 3. (Select a yahoo groups category) Membuat nama group dan deskripsinya.
e.      Mengisi deskripsi untuk group yang kita buat
Ada nama group, alamat email grup, penjelasan group, lalu klik continue.
f.       Step 3 of 3. (Select your Yahoo! Profile and Email Address)
Memferifikasikan tulisan yang tampil pada kolom yang tersedia.
g.     Klik continue dan group selesai dibuat

8.     Cara join group di yahoo :
a.     Buka group yahoo
b.     Cari nama group yang anda inginkan untuk bergabung
c.      Jika sudah ada klik “join this group”
d.     Akan ada form yang harus anda isi
(isi kolom “Comment to Owner” lalu pada Message Delivery, pada Message Preference, Dan terakhir mengisi word verifikation yang berisi kata-kata random.
e.      Dan selesai sudah (jika tidak langsung masuk ke grup, berarti harus menunggu di Approve oleh Admin dari group tersebut)

9.     http://www.weebly.com
10.                      Cara singkat membuat blog di blogger :
a.     Anda harus memiliki akun Gmail untuk bisa log in ke Blogger
b.     Jika belum punya, Segera buat akun dengan daftar di mail.google.com
c.      Jika sudah membuat akun Gmail, Isi form yang dibutuhkan seperti nama tampilan, jenis kelamin, penerimaan persyaratan di blogger.com
d.     Lanjutkan dengan klik blog baru
e.      Isi formulir data blog seperti judul blog, alamat dan template blog
f.       Lanjutkan dengan klik buat blog. Blog pun sudah terbuat.
g.     Selanjutnya dengan memasukan artikel atau apapun yang ingin anda postkan. Selesai


Senin, 30 September 2013

The True Warrior

The True Warrior

                Once upon a time, in the Forze city, the heart city there was an announcement from the King Arief, The King Arief said “Attention People of Forze City! There is announcement that, Simonzaemon The Evil Warlord want to attack our city, we must stop them before they attack us. For anyone who want to help our city, please come to me, and meet me in my castle.” And the King end his Announcement, and he back to his castle. “Im shock to hear that, because Forze city is a peaceful city, i dont want this city will be destroyed by Simonzaemon. I’ll have to stop this.” Said Iqbal. And then I go to the castle, and then I see many stranger that have strang aura. And then, King Arief sit in his throne and said to us, “Thanks for your participate to share your strength to fight the Evil Warlord.” And then the king tell us about his plan. His plan is to attack the Simonzaemon’s castle before they attack our city. Well, without waiting anymore, I and 4 strangers that i met before are going to the Dark Castle, where the Simonzaemon live.
                On the way, the 4 strangers introduce themselves one by one, the first one is the one who always bring old stick, he said, “My name is Alif Razund, Im a Mage from the east village, i can summon monster but i called them my friends, nice to meet you all.” And then the one who bring the Bow, He said “My name is Irul Zubarazi, Im an Archer from the south village, I can shoot my arrow without seeing my enemy. So watch out if you mess with me okay hahaha.” And then, the next one is the one who bring many firearms, he said “My name is Kynur Speedronze, Im the gunner from the west village, i can shoot faster than my shadow, because of that, Speed is my middle name.” And the last stranger is the one who bring the longsword, he said “My name is Yujong Hanzuray, im the Samurai from the north village, i can cut down 4 trees with only single slash, so watch out all of you with my sword. When i hear their description of theirself, i feel so down because im the one who doesn’t have any skill. And then the 4 man look to me and said “how about you?” and i begin to explain myself. “My name is Iqbal Lightzero, im just a normal kid from the south east village, i dont have any special things like you all. Sorry if i only become obstacle for you all.” I sid that with my face looking down, because i think im just a problem for them. But suddenly, they said “hey, cheer up boy, your spirit to protect the city is enough for your power.” Said irul. “yeah that’s true, not all people have the big spirit like you, you have to proud for yourself.” Said Yujong and Alif. “Thank you guys for cheer me up” Said me. “hmm but, where’s your weapon? You should defend yourself by yourself to, dont too hope that we will always protect you at there.” Said Kynur. “Hmm i didn’t bring anything, but my ordinary weapon is my hand.” Said me. “just only the fighting moves? That can’t be helped you to keep alive in there, there’s many monster at there, you cant just kill it only with your hands!” Said them all. “hmm maybe you’re right guys, i never fight with monster, i only ever kill 250 wolves, and 5 fire dragons, and 17 anacondas. I never kill and meet monster.” Said me. “haha i know that you kill that all with help from the warrior and the hunter from your village dont you?” said them with laughing. And then i said, “No, just me, and i kill that all only with my fist.” And then they all look to me with shock face. And we continue our journey to the dark castle.

When we arrived at in front of the Dark castle, I feel something weird at there, “This is feel so weird, no one guard the main door” I said. But they think its okay, and we are going to the main door. But suddenly, The floor dropped, so are we. And we drop to the basement of the castle. But theres many hungry zombies, they walk slowly and want to eat our brains. But alif the mage, summon one of his friend, the plant that can shoot their seeds. And it worked, to kill many zombies out there. But the zombies keep coming and coming, but Alif Razund ordered us “Go, Let me take care of this zombies.” “But are you sure you can do it by yourself, Razund?” Said me. “Dont worry, you all didn’t know the truly of me.” And then alif body was full of light, and i feel strong aura when i see him. And then Alif change his form to the Sunflower that bring elemental wand. Because of his form, he can compare with the zombies easily. But the zombies never stop coming, so he want us to go now. Because of that, we continue our journey without Alif Razund.

Go to The Next Chapter

Continue to Part 2.

Created by : Iqbal Septian H (myself)


Kynur Speedronze

Alif Razund

Irul Zubarazi

Yujong Hanzuray

Iqbal Lightzero